LiDAR Visualization Tool

LiDAR Visualization Tool (LVT) is an open-source application enabling autonomous vehicle researchers to visualize data from different formats and gives them a comprehensive tool to analyze their machine learning algorithms

At a Glance


Our Data Format API

camera → RGB images from different cameras

pointcloud → LiDAR pointclouds for each sensor as PCD files

bounding → Ground truth bounding boxes for each frame as JSON files

pred_bounding → Predicted bounding boxes for each frame as JSON files

ego → Translation and rotation for each frame as JSON files

Conversion Tool

→ Converts datasets into our data format

→ Utility functions provided to aid in converting

→ NuScenes and Waymo conversion script included

Visualization Tool

→ Visualizes our data format

→ Easily switch between point cloud and RGB view

→ Rotate point cloud view in free space

→ Filter what annotations are shown


→ Users can interact with the whole dataset at one time

→ Users do not have to parse each dataset manually

→ Users can switch amongst all sensors